July 10, 2024

We worked on a collaborative project with LA based vivid colour specialist Amanda Lyberger who is also known as @thehairygodmotherr. We love her approach to her craft, she is all about collaborating with other artists to challenge and push herself and to be as creative as she can. She’s been in the hair industry for around 10 years, is a two time BTC Oneshot nominee, and is a lifelong fan of vivid colour.

How did you get started in vivid colouring?

I got started in vivid colouring in high school, before I even went to hair school! I was a scene kid, pic for tax! 

Do you have any key advice or tips for someone looking to branch into vivids?

My advice would be to post the pictures on social media of the type of clients you want to come to you. If you don’t want to do haircuts or blonde highlights, don’t post those things. If you don’t have any pictures of vivid hair colours in your portfolio, offer a free or discounted service to someone who’s willing to let you have some creative freedom on them, and make sure to take LOTS of pictures. Also, go to places where your dream client would hang out + make sure you look like your dream client when building clientele. If your dream client is a multi-colour haired punk, go to punk shows with your hair multi-coloured and try to strike up a conversation about hair with people. 

You often collaborate on looks – do you find this way of working brings out the best of your creativity?

I absolutely love collaborating with other artists for a multitude of reasons. I love seeing the creative process of other artists, as well as getting to learn new techniques and sharing a vision. I believe that allowing each other to play to our strengths brings out the best possible creation, and I adore getting more familiar with my community and meeting people who understand the joys and woes of our craft. 

Do you have a favourite look to create?

I always love creating neon rainbows. I’m definitely guilty of having a favourite palette, and I recreate it with different placements on different haircuts often. 

Why did you choose the hair colour you have?

Aqua is my absolute favourite colour on earth! I have had some form of blue in my hair for over a decade. I like spicing in neon green or yellow when I’m feeling particularly bright, because I really love the blacklight reactivity of it. My hair in blacklight is definitely a conversation starter (another pic for tax!).

What does it represent about your personality?

It represents my love for all things oceanic. I also like that it’s a difficult colour to attain and to maintain, making it a little more rare than your average vivid. I feel like its brightness reflects parts of my personality. 

Is this your signature colour?

Definitely! I will be maintaining it for years to come for several reasons- one being that I love it, but another being that it makes me easily recognizable in my industry and in other places. Most of my wardrobe, collected over several years, also matches my hair. I feel it I’m very easy to spot in a crowd.

Why do you think people choose a vivid hair colour?

I think there’s tons of reasons people choose vivid colours. Some want to stand out, like me, and some just simply like the colour. Some people need a little colour and brightness to add happiness to the moments they catch themselves in the mirror, and some people just truly identify with certain colour and feel that it makes them more like themselves. 

How important is aftercare to maintaining colour?

Aftercare is imperative to maintaining a beautiful long lasting vivid colour. No matter what colour you have, it will not last forever. I tell all my clients who get lighter colours, “It’ll look as beautiful as the day you came in for 3-4 COLD washes. If you want to make that 4 days or 4 weeks is totally up to you.”

Give us your top 3 aftercare tips?

Getting it wet as little as possible, washing it as sparingly as possible in freezing cold water, and using sulfate free shampoo are must do’s for maintaining vivids. If you have a solid colour, I also highly encourage using a tinted shampoo to maintain the colour!

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