Our products aren’t just about killer results: they’re about giving you the tools to slay behind the chair and keep your businesses thriving.
Our products aren’t just about killer results: they’re about giving you the tools to slay behind the chair and keep your businesses thriving.
I’m Connor Stansfield, Crazy Color Brand Ambassador, educator, and passionate colourist. Today, we’re getting into a topic that can make or break your client’s experience: the fade. By designing your colours with the fade in mind, you can turn a dreaded process into an opportunity to create stunning, evolving looks.
I’m Oli Tracey, Crazy Color Brand Ambassador and a passionate advocate for all things colour. My journey into the world of hairdressing began back in 2007. However, life had other plans, and I took a detour to explore different dreams. It wasn’t until 2021 that I found my way back to hairdressing, retraining at the …